Tuesday, August 14, 2012

recurring existence rehearsals.

alright, recapitulate.

i get all twisted up, mixed in, fucked around with.

which caused you, too.
you, too, unearthed my vexation, exasperation.

the scarcity, and paucity of my well-being
ventured to the other side of annihilation.
was not left incapacitated, incarcerated,
but untethered and unfettered.

but inexperience and immaturity was disconcerting.
untraveled neurotic pathways.
uncharted antithetical hypotheses.
not emancipation by means of:
there is still some wild confining us.


Monday, March 26, 2012

slaving away.

this one is for you, the upriser and cause of downfall.
the periodic tear-downer of reality.
the sergeant pepper's, for lonely hearts.
the masked whistle blower.
the "leave me alone" animal.
the crevice of all things mended,